Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
St Michael's CofE Primary School

Year 5 Home Learning

Spellings: Children will be given log in details for the 'Spelling Shed' which is how we will be teaching and setting spellings this year. They can use this website to practise their weekly spellings. A paper list will also go home each week.


Reading: Children are expected to read at home daily (at least 4 times a week), either independently or with an adult. Children will be asked to keep track of their reading in their reading records.


Maths: Maths home learning will be set on : MyMaths

SPaG/reading comprehension: each week, a SPaG or reading comprehension activity will be posted on the school website and Seesaw. This task should take about 20 minutes to complete. 

Brain Builders: these will be set once a term, based on a topic we are covering in school. Children should be able to complete the Brain Builder tasks independently.


Homework (except reading!) will be non-compulsory. If the choice is TV/video games and homework, we would love for you to chose homework. However, we would much prefer children outside, playing sports, Brownies, Scouts, spending time as a family, cooking, visiting famous landmarks, outdoor experiences, etc. 


If you would like extra homework, we would be happy to recommend books/resources to buy or websites to use. If you have any questions/ concerns, please contact me via the school office!


 I have also provided the statutory spellings for year 3&4 and year 5&6.  Please practise these.
Homework - Please pratise your lines and songs for the class assembly.
Assembly songs
Brain builder - due 30/1/25
Brainbuilder - Space