Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
St Michael's CofE Primary School

Year 2 Home Learning

Homework for Year 2 will be set on Friday

Progression is planned from Reception to Key Stage Two through the provision of appropriate activities and the increasing expectations we have of our children and the amount of homework that they are given as they move up through the school.



Aim for a minimum of 4 times per week, to be record in your child’s reading record, signed by adult.

In addition, Year 5 and 6 will be set a reading comprehension or SPAG exercise. This will be set on a Thursday and handed back in on the following Wednesday.

To raise the profile of reading in school and at home we are working on a whole school incentive, watch this space!



Weekly test set on Friday tested on the following Thursday



MyMaths is a new online platform where all maths homework will be set and completed in Years 1-6.

It will be set on Friday.


Brain Builders 

Brain Builders will be set every half term

Autumn 1 - Thursday 19th September

Autumn 2 - Thursday 14th November

Spring 1 - Thursday 9th January

Spring 2 - Thursday 27th February 

Summer 1 - Thursday 24th April 

Summer 2 - Thursday 12th June



KS1 Reading Eggs

KS2 Times Tables Rockstars


Weekly Spellings 
The weekly spellings are updated each Friday for a test the following Thursday. Regular practice will support the children in their test and independent reading and writing. 
Each week  there will be a look, cover, write, check sheet you can use at home or you might want to take a look at the strategies sheet to find different ways you can learn spellings with your child.