Year 3 Introduction

Year 3

Jeremiah 29:11 

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'"  
Welcome to Kingfisher Class! We are looking forward to teaching you this year.
Year 3 Staff
Teacher: Mrs Penman
Teaching Partners: Miss Miles
PE Teacher: Mr Meyer-White
PPA Cover: Mrs Smith
PE lessons will take place on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Please send children into school wearing their PE kit.

Each week, homework will be set on a Thursday and returned to school the following Wednesday. Weekly homework will consist of:

  •         Reading daily to an adult. Reading must recorded by an adult in the reading record.
  •         Spellings (set on a Thursday and tested the following Wednesday)
  •         Weekly times tables using Times Tables Rock Stars
  •         1 x MyMaths task each week - (set on a Thursday and due the following Wednesday)

 Please note that logins and passwords for Times Tables Rock Stars and MyMaths are on the inside of the back cover of your child's reading record.


Brain Builder: 

Once per half term. Please see the homework section for the timetable.

Geography Quality Mark 2017-20