Owl Class Curriculum
12.11.24 Phonics at St Michael's School - Information for parents.
Please see link below
Learning this term
Spring Term 2025
English - Reading - The children take part in 1-1 reading, whole class reading and guided reading sessions on a regular basis throughout the week.
Class texts - Peace at Last written by Jill Murphy.
Nocturnal Animals - information texts.
Snowglobe Family written by Jane O'Connor.
The Snowglobe.
Writing - writing tasks link to class texts.
Writing lists, labels, captions, descriptions, poems and information.
Sounding out words to write sentences. Think it, Say it, Write it, Read it.
Punctuation & Grammar - Punctuation - Capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words.
Singlar & plural. Suffixes.
Spellings - weekly set spellings linked to RWI phonics.
Poetry - The Moon.
Winter poems.
Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonic sessions take place daily. The children complete phonic reading and short writing tasks during these sessions.
Handwriting - Using the correct pencil grip,forming letters correctly (cursive script) and starting letters on the line.
Mathematics - In Y1 we follow the White Rose scheme of work. This term the children will be learning about numbers and place value within 20, addition and subtraction within 20, length and height.
Daily Maths Meetings - Calendar Maths, counting forwards & backwards, number bonds to 10 & 20, place value, money, time, fractions, shape and pattern.Recognising & add equal groups. Make arrays & doubles.
Make equal groups by grouping and sharing.
Topics this term
Topic - History - Ourselves - How am I making history? How have toys changed?
Science - Seasonal Changes. Materials.
PSHE - Health and Wellbeing. Staying safe.
RE - Christianity - Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship?
Music - Songs linked to class topics - exploring rhythm and pitch.
PE - Exploring PE - Dance and Gymnastics.
Art/DT - Colour splash - artist Clarice Cliff. Seasonal artwork for display.
Year 1 Phonics screening information for parents.
Please see details below
Useful Learning Links